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VŠE 2AJ20X (angličtina)

Vítejte na stránce, která by Vám měla pomoci při učení ekonomických definicí v angličtině a tzv. "word building". Definice jsou opsány z nové učebnice pro VŠE kurz 2AJ20X. Jestliže v textech nebo na stránkách najdete jakékoliv chyby - stačí když mi je napíšete na info@stencek.com.

Pozn.: občas se při vypisování definic objeví 1 prázdné pole. Prostě nevyplňujte nic - bude to dobře ;)


Glossary: unit26

a process by which cheques and other payments are passed through the banking system until the transactions are completed
an amount charged for money borrowed
the cost of borrowing money expressed as a percentage of the capital borrowed (úroková míra)
a letter from one bank to another bank, by which a third party, usually a customer, is able to obtain money
the act of sending or transferring money; the amount sent
middlemen who bring borrowers and lenders together
assets kept by a bank to be able to provide cash in exchange for deposit balances when needed
gold or silver in the form of bars not coins
a payment to someone for providing a service or a good, usually a percentage of the total value of the deal
money collected from employers and employees, or by the State, and invested to provide future pensions
a bank that provides finance for companies, esp. by buying stocks and securities and selling them in smaller units to the public
the amount of reserves that banks are required by law to keep, as a fraction of demand deposits
an investment or item of financial value, esp. a stock, share or debenture, that can be bought and sold on a stock exchange
an arrangement where goods and services can be received now and paid for later, within an agreed period
a signed document, such as a Cheque, that orders a person or an organization, such as a bank, to pay a fixed sum of money on demand or on a certain date to the person specifies
one of a series of payments, usually as a means of buying goods
a financial institution that provides insurance
a place where valuable things are stored
a financial intermediary with a government license to make loans and issue deposits
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