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VŠE 2AJ20X (angličtina)

Vítejte na stránce, která by Vám měla pomoci při učení ekonomických definicí v angličtině a tzv. "word building". Definice jsou opsány z nové učebnice pro VŠE kurz 2AJ20X. Jestliže v textech nebo na stránkách najdete jakékoliv chyby - stačí když mi je napíšete na info@stencek.com.

Pozn.: občas se při vypisování definic objeví 1 prázdné pole. Prostě nevyplňujte nic - bude to dobře ;)


Glossary: test_5-7

the collection of markets in which households sell the services of their productive resources to businesses to be used in production (called market for factors of production)
the price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied
the situation in a market in which there is only one supplier of a commodity and he therefore faces no competition
a market in which many firms produce similar goods or services but each maintains some independent control of its own price
the market with long-term loans and securities as distinct from the money market, which deals in short-term loans
the market for Securities where speculators sell shares because they expect a fall in their prices
the financial harm or disadvantage in business
the market for the services of workers
the flow of goods between households and firms balanced by the flow of payments made in exchange for them
the amount of money spent
a fixed regular payment to employees doing other than manual or mechanical work
the presence in a market of a large number of independent buyers and sellers competing with one another and their freedom to enter and leave the market
the number of items that sellers offer for sale at every price at a particular time and place
a form of fixed-interest security issued by central or local governments, companies, banks through which a borrower is obligated to pay the principál and interest on a loan at a specific date in the future
one of a number of equal portions in the nominal capital of a company entitling the owner to a proportion of distributed profits
money received by a firm from the sale of goods and services
the market for Securities where brokers speculate on a rise in their prices
an article of trade resulting from the process of production OR a primary product
the choosing of the particular use to which a scarce resource is put
the part of a company’s profits payable to shareholders
the amount of a good that buyers are willing to buy at every price at a particular time and place
anything of monetary value owned by a firm or individual
a market resulting from the existence of large economies of scale in an industry where technical factors make the efficient existence of more than one producer impossible
the collection of markets in which firms sell final goods and services to customers
the market for land and buildings
a market in which commodities are bought and sold
the price paid for the use of money such as by a borrower to a lender of money
a state of competition in a market in which buyers and sellers have imperfect knowledge of the market and there is a lack of freedom of movement of factors of production from one industry to another
the market in which the Currency of one country is exchanged for the Currency of another
something that motivates people to action or effort
the amount received by households in payment for the services of factors of production
goods stored in a warehouse or shop for future sale (or US share)
something lent, esp. Money on condition that interest will be paid at an agreed rate and that the amount lent will be repaid at an agreed time and in an agreed manner
joining together of two or more companies
a limit placed by the government on the amount of imports or exports of a particular article or commodity
a method of selling in public by letting intended buyers compete with each other by making bids (offers of money)
direct exchange of one good or service for another good or service
a market where shares, bonds and other kinds of securities are traded
money paid for manual work, based on hourly, daily, weekly or piece-work rate
illegal trading in goods and services that are scarce, ether because supplies are officially rationed or forbidden, or because prices are controlled by government order
notes and coins that are the medium of exchange in a country
a law that seeks to control market structure and the competitive behaviour of firms
services of productive resources (land, Labour, capital, enterprise) which households sell or rent to businesses
a market model that assumes a large number of buyers and sellers, a homogeneous product, complete freedom of movement of factors of production from one industry to another, and full knowledge of prices and technology
an organized market where securities are bought and sold under fixed rules
anything that prevents the entry of new firms into an industry
a decrease in per-unit cost as a result of an increase in output
a market which is dominated by a few large suppliers
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