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VŠE 2AJ20X (angličtina)

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Glossary: unit16

an agreement to borrow money, esp. so as to buy a house, and pay interest on it to the lender over a period of years
the excess income of a firm after everything has been paid for
assets not having physical existence (goodwill, licence, trademark, etc.)
costs applicable to general, administrative, and selling activities of a business
a financial statement summarising a firm´s trading performance over the past year
a financial statement summarising net cash flow from operating, investing, and financing activities
(see Net income) - the excess income of a firm after everything has been paid for
a system of recording business transactions by debits and credits that are of equal dollar (or other currency) amounts
revenue minus cost of sales
income from trading activities
the sums owed to a firm by its customers
the difference between total assets and total liabilities (the amount of money accruing to owners of a firm in the event of liquidation)
(see Net worth) - the difference between total assets and total liabilities (the amount of money accruing to owners of a firm in the event of liquidation)
amounts owed in dollars (or other currencies) or services due within one year
cash or other assets that will be turned into cash or used up in one year through the operation of the business
(see Gross profit) - revenue minus cost of sales
a financial statement summarising what a firm owns and what it owes at a given point in time
all the legal claims that non-owners hold against a particular firm
products a firm has for sale
unpaid bills of a company to its customers
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