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VŠE 2AJ20X (angličtina)

Vítejte na stránce, která by Vám měla pomoci při učení ekonomických definicí v angličtině a tzv. "word building". Definice jsou opsány z nové učebnice pro VŠE kurz 2AJ20X. Jestliže v textech nebo na stránkách najdete jakékoliv chyby - stačí když mi je napíšete na info@stencek.com.

Pozn.: občas se při vypisování definic objeví 1 prázdné pole. Prostě nevyplňujte nic - bude to dobře ;)


Glossary: test_8-11

the quantity at which quantity demanded equals quantity supplied
money paid by the government to people who are unemployed
a good whose consumption increases with an increase in income
the quantity of a good sellers wish to sell at a particular price
an amount of money collected by the government through taxation
a good that society thinks people should consume or receive, no matter what their incomes are
an estimate of income and expenditure for a future period
a sum of money paid regularly by the state to people above a certain age who have stopped working
an economic system where both the government and private sector interact in solving economic problems
a payment made by the government to individuals without requiring any goods or services in return
the situation when quantity demanded equals quantity supplied
an economic system in which resources are publicly owned and government uses central planning to direct and coordinate economic activities (see Centrally planned economy)
a government payment for people who are sick, unemployed, disabled, retired, or in any other way in need
a good that is used in conjunction with another good
a tax that must be paid when a particular goods are imported into a country (see Customs duty)
a tax levied on the profits of companies
a government payment for people who are sick, unemployed, disabled, retired, or in any other way in need (see Social security benefit)
a tax paid by citizens to the government usually as a percentage of their income
an economic system without any government intervention where all resources are owned by private individuals and economic decisions are made according to the forces of supply and demand
an organization of employees working in the same industry or area representing its members in discussion and negotiations with management and government
a tax that must be paid when a particular goods are imported into a country
the selling of a state-owned industry or organization into private ownership
a good that can be used in place of another
a good that is available for the society as a whole and not just individual members
a sum of money that the government takes from people's incomes, company profits, the sale of goods, etc.
an economy which is changing from command to free market economy
income after deducting taxes
money paid regularly by the government to families with children
the amount of a good sellers wish to sell at each conceivable price
the act of returning of items to their proper owners
a system of insurance run by the government, into which workers and employers make regular payments, and which provides money for people who are unemployed, old, etc,
the inability of participants of the labour force to find jobs (lack of paid work)
the amount of a good buyers wish to purchase at each conceivable price
an economic system in which resources are publicly owned and government uses central planning to direct and coordinate economic activities
money paid by a government to producers of certain goods, to help them provide low-priced goods without loss to themselves
a good whose consumption decreases when income increases
a sales tax levied on a particular good or service
the price at which quantity demanded equals quantity supplied
a curve which graphs the relationship between the quantity demanded of a good and its price
the quantity of a good buyers wish to buy at a particular price
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