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VŠE 2AJ20X (angličtina)

Vítejte na stránce, která by Vám měla pomoci při učení ekonomických definicí v angličtině a tzv. "word building". Definice jsou opsány z nové učebnice pro VŠE kurz 2AJ20X. Jestliže v textech nebo na stránkách najdete jakékoliv chyby - stačí když mi je napíšete na info@stencek.com.

Pozn.: občas se při vypisování definic objeví 1 prázdné pole. Prostě nevyplňujte nic - bude to dobře ;)


Glossary: unit2

a judgement about the quality of something, based on opinion rather than
the branch of economics that examines and explains the economy as a whole, i.e. in aggregate values
economics that offers prescriptions for action based on personal value judgements
an agreement to borrow money, esp. So as to buy a house, and pay interest on it to the lender over a period of years
economics that seeks objective or scientific explanations of the workings of an economy
the relation between the payment received by a lender of money and the amount of money lent, expressed as a percentage per period of time
the inability of the market to deliver the most desired economic outcomes
the part of economics that examines individual decision and particular markets
a part of disposable income that is not spent on current consuption
an outward shift of the production possibility frontier brought about by an increse in available resources and / or tehnological improvement
the percentage increase in the ganeral price leve over a certain period of time
an index which measures prices of a fixed market basket of goods and services purchased by a typical urban household
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