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VŠE 2AJ20X (angličtina)

Vítejte na stránce, která by Vám měla pomoci při učení ekonomických definicí v angličtině a tzv. "word building". Definice jsou opsány z nové učebnice pro VŠE kurz 2AJ20X. Jestliže v textech nebo na stránkách najdete jakékoliv chyby - stačí když mi je napíšete na info@stencek.com.

Pozn.: občas se při vypisování definic objeví 1 prázdné pole. Prostě nevyplňujte nic - bude to dobře ;)


Glossary: unit17

the rate at which the tax is paid on each additional unit of taxable income
income in constant prices, nominal income adjusted for inflation
the amount of money income received in a given time period, measured in current prices
the legal minimum that may be paid for one hour of labour
the change in total revenue associated with one additional unit of input
the amount of money a worker gets for each unit (ussually an hour) of work
an organisation of workers in a particular industry, which represents them an aims to improve their pay and working conditions
factor market in which individuals supply labour services for wages to firms that demand labour services
the percentage paid in tax
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