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VŠE 2AJ20X (angličtina)

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Pozn.: občas se při vypisování definic objeví 1 prázdné pole. Prostě nevyplňujte nic - bude to dobře ;)


Glossary: unit25

alternative measures of the money supply which differ from each other according to which types of deposits are included
money provided by a bank to companies and to private persons in the form of loans and overdrafts
an asset which can be used almost as if it were money although it is not
(see Credit multiplier or Money multiplier) the ratio of potential change in the money supply to an initial change in excess reserves
financial assets which perform the functions of money when a fairly narrow definition of liquidity is applied
the desire to hold money as one of many kinds of financial assets, negatively related to the interest rate
a definition of money including financial assets which are relatively liquid, but not as liquid as narrow money items. A financial asset, which would be regarded as narrow money, would also fall within the definition of broad money, but broad money extends the range of assets, which are regarded as money
the ability of the banking system to lend (create money) by a multiple of its excess reserves
(see Credit multiplier or Bank deposits multiplier) the ratio of potential change in the money supply to an initial change in excess reserves
(see Bank deposits multiplier or Money multiplier) the ratio of potential change in the money supply to an initial change in excess reserves
the desire to hold money for the purpose of making purchases or expenditures in the near future
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